I have always been a storyteller. I developed these skills as I pursued my acting career, training in classical and contemporary theater and earning my Bachelor of Fine Arts of Acting at the Theatre School of DePaul University.

Acting taught me to analyze human motivations and utilize creativity to tell a story.

While acting and UX design live in two separate worlds, they come from a similar idea; to know how a character or user would experience a scene or a product, we have to understand who they are as an individual and what drives them.

Deciding to pivot into the tech industry, I landed a contract job as a front desk coordinator at Stripe. After taking on multiple projects and ingratiating myself into Stripe’s processes, I got promoted to Workplace Experience Coordinator through CBRE real estate management, with Stripe as the client.

In this role, I’ve grown to become the primary coordinator of managing team on-sites and team events. Over time, I’ve taken on large scale, company wide events while greatly improving and streamline processes in the process.

As a designer, I want to discover meaningful truths behind users’ experience so I can create products that directly solve the problems that they don’t see themselves.